UCLA Class of 2015 Official results

Here is a list of student acceptances and rejections from UCLA provided by real students themselves. Hope this is helpful to those applying in the future.


College and Program: Letters and Science


* SAT I (by section): 2020 (680 CR, 640M, 700 W)
* SAT IIs: 680, 680, 690
* ACT: 30
* APs: 4 (AP Lang), 3 (AP Chem), 3 (AP Microecon), 2 (AP Macroecon), 1 (AP U.S. History), 6 APs this year(Bio, Gov, Spanish, Lit, Calc, and Psyc)
* IBs: N/A
* GPA (UW, W): 3.99 , 4.03
* Rank: 4/160
* Other stats: I took summer courses from Northwestern (physics), Stanford (grammar and precalc), and Indiana University (health), attended several leadership and academic programs: Girls State, Molecular Medicine in Action, NYLF on Medicine, Key Club District and International Conventions, Key Leader (student facilitator), Brain Bee (3rd place), Ball State Composition Camp


* ECs listed on app: Tennis (4 years); Cross Country (4 years); Music (Band and Orchestra) 4 years with several gold medals at state solo and ensemble, and two Band Director's Awards; Key Club (4 years) lieutenant governor, Spanish Club (4 years) president and historian
* Job/Work Experience: Babysitter
* Essays (subject and responses): I spent a lot of time perfecting my essays; I tried to make them vibrant and show a slice of my life. Instead of trying to incorporate everything about myself in the essay, I zoomed in and elaborated on a small detail of myself for each essay. 
* Teacher Recs: Good
* Counselor Rec: Good
* Applied on (EA?): 11/30
* Hook (if any): N/A


* State or Country: Indiana
* School Type: Public
* Ethnicity: Persian
* Gender: Female

[b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
I'm so excited for next year, and I really hope that I can find a way to attendUCLA (financially). Congratulations to everyone who got in, and for those of you who did not, don't sweat it. UCLA has so many applicants every year, and a very low acceptance rate!! I'm sure you'll find somewhere else that you adore. My biggest piece of advice would be to spend LOTS of time on your essays; I probably spent the most time on my UCLA essay, and it paid off. The college essay is not something you can breeze through; its your biggest chance to impress the admissions officers. Be yourself, and tell them what makes you.. you. Also, definitely spend more time studying for your AP tests; I did not take them as seriously as I should have. Remember that your AP test scores factor in to the admission decision as well.

Decision: ACCEPTED

College and Program: Henry Samueli School of Engineering with Undeclared Engineering


  • SAT I (by section): 2170 (M: 780 CR: 660 W: 730) (with 2240 superscore)
  • SAT IIs: Math II: 710 Lit: 670
  • APs: Euro (4), US (4), Lang&Comp (4)
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.98, 4.41
  • Rank: 39/550
  • ECs listed on app: Owns an online business, competitive baton twirling (five-state regional level), dance, flute. volunteering: key club (committee member), church choir, website manager.
  • Job/Work Experience: Owns an online business, baton twirling coach, environmental consulting assistant
  • Essays (subject and responses): I wrote about how a presentation for Key Club introduced me to an interesting scientist for the first prompt (a huge stretch from the prompt!) and about how through baton twirling I learned about the necessity for precision and efficiency for the second prompt.
  • Hook (if any): None
  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: Public, middle ranking
  • Ethnicity: Asian-American, submitted as White
  • Gender: Female
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations, etc: I'm not a very strong writer but I feel that my essays were reasonable, but still a weaker aspect of my application. SAT IIs were also pretty low. Now that I have been accepted into UCLA & USC (with a prospective scholarship), I'll have a hard time choosing between the two. My school had a lot of UCLA-acceptances, many of whom I was really surprised by.

Decision: ACCEPTED!

I usually do not post on these threads, but I have to show everyone that they have a shot at getting into schools with bad stats. My test scores are absolutely awful, but I still some how got in. If you have any explanation as to HOW I got in, please let me know. Congrats to everyone who got in, and I hope to see you at UCLA in the fall! 

Intended Major: Pre-Business/Economics

SAT I: 1690 (530 Reading, 580 Math, 580 Writing) (*Not Submitted)
ACT: 27
SAT II: 580 Physics, 580 Literature, 650 Math I
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.73
Weighted GPA (Out of 5.0) 4.37
Rank: Top 10% (UW: 59/542, W: 34/542)
AP: Government (3)

Senior Year Course Load:
*IB Spanish 5
*IB Physics HL 2
*IB World History HL
*IB Math Studies SL 2
*IB Business Management HL 2
*IB English 12 HL
Student Leadership
Online Fitness

Major Awards: 1st place at DECA State (*Not Submitted)

1.) Student Leadership (4 Years)
-Freshman Class President (9th grade)
-Student Body Secretary/Treasurer (11th grade)
-Student Body President (12th grade)
2.) Martial Arts (6 years)
-Black Belt
-Demo Team Coach
3.) Many other clubs (*Not Submitted)

Volunteer/Community service: Tons. I needed 150 CAS (community/action/service) hours for IB, 60 for NHS, 100 for Leadership, volunteered at summer camp for handicappable children, raised money for special olympics, held a "trick or treating for cans" event last October, founded my own non-profit organization to aid children in need. (*Only submitted a few)

Essays: I just re-read them, and they are pretty good.

Teacher Recommendation: I sent in 2 or 3 from teachers who really liked me.

Counselor Recomendation: Maybe? If they asked I did.

Applied for Financial Aid?: No
Intended Major: Pre-Business/Economics
State: Colorado
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Hooks: I guess my leadership, extracurriculars, and community service were pretty good. Out of state. IB program also probably helped.

Schools I applied to:
1.) CU Boulder (Accepted)
2.) University of Arizona (Accepted)
3.) University of Central Florida (Accepted)
4.) UCLA (Accepted)
5.) UC Berkeley (Notification Date: March 24th)
6.) USC (Notification Date: April 1st)

Decision: Accepted 

College and Program: Letters & Science, English


  • SAT I (by section): 2220 (740 CR, 680 Math, 800 Writing)
  • SAT IIs: 770 US History, 750 Math II
  • ACT: Did Not Take
  • APs: 4 Chem, 5 US History, 5 World History, 5 English Language
  • IBs:
  • GPA (UW, W): 4.0, 4.33
  • Rank: Does Not Rank
  • Other stats: National Merit Finalist (2270)

  • ECs listed on app: Speech & Debate (President, Ranked in Top 150 in National Forensic League, National Semifinalist in Speech, State Finalist in Speech, State Semifinalist in Debate), Bowling (Leagues, Tournaments, over 180 average), Humanitarian/service club (President), 140 hours community service, running (Half-marathons)
  • Job/Work Experience:
  • Essays (subject and responses): First: About how being the youngest child in my family has shaped my world perspective; Second: How finding my voice led me to semifinal at NFL Nationals
  • Teacher Recs:
  • Counselor Rec:
  • Applied on (EA?):
  • Hook (if any):

  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: Asian
  • Gender: Male

General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: Congrats everyone!

Decision: Accepted 

College and Program: UCLA, English

Stats:[*] SAT I (by section): 2090, Writing: 710, Math: 720, Critical Reading: 660
[*] SAT IIs: (I didn't know what these were and didn't study...eep) US History: 590 Literature: 700
[*] ACT:
[*] APs: Language and Comp: 4 US History: 4 Chem: 1 Psych 2 (We didn't have books or anything uhh and our teacher didn't teach anything)
[*] IBs: School's program got cancelled
[*] GPA: U.C. G.P.A.: 4.04
[*] Rank: 12th
[*] Other stats: idk haha

ECs listed on app: Started an independent entirely student-led newspaper on campus after we lost our Journalism program/newspaper due to budget cuts. I manage a staff of about thirty students and run the entire newspaper as a club and am President of the club and editor-in-chief of the paper. Our distribution is 2,900 to a student body where over 50 percent of the students receive or qualify for free and reduced lunch.

FBLA officer for 2 years, NHS Secretary now Historian, CSF Social Chair Person, Key Club District Project Manager (10th grade, Member 4 years), took and AutoCAD introductory course for my internship for an Architecture firm where I worked on Architectural drawings, etc. (Architecture was my other interest), Interned for a newspaper, Interned for a congressional campaign to understand political process/was interesting from a journalistic aspect, Young Senators member last year now Senior Senator

Job/Work Experience: Tutor at Kumon

Essays (subject and responses): Had a really telling story

Teacher Recs: N/A

Counselor Rec: N/A

Applied on (EA?): Doesn't exist

Hook (if any): ?

Location/Person: California

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yep

Intended Major: English (well Journalism more so..)

State (if domestic applicant): CA

State or Country: CA

School Type: Public

Ethnicity: Pakistani and Indian

Gender: Female

General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I honestly didn't expect that I'd get in, but I'm glad I have the option now.

uhh sorry this crappily done i was rushing phew

Decision: ACCEPTED 

College and Program: Undeclared-Social Sciences


  • SAT I (by section): 2110 in one sitting (700, 700, 710 in math)
  • SAT IIs: Chem-760 Lit-740 Ecological Bio-690
  • ACT: Didn't take
  • APs: Chem-5, Bio-5, English Language-5. This year taking Lit, Gov and Politics, Macroecon, Physics B, and Art History
  • IBs: none
  • GPA (UW, W): UW-not sure, less than 4.0 W-4.55
  • Rank: 17/665
  • ECs listed on app: philosophy club founder and pres, newspaper editor, 1 or 2 minor ones. not very many ECs
  • Job/Work Experience: None
  • Essays (subject and responses): pretty good
  • Hook (if any): Not born in the US
  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: White/European
  • Gender: F
Decision: Accepted 

College and Program: Mathematics/Applied Science (Idk, whatever their main undergrad college is called)

  • SAT I (by section): 800CR/790M/800W
  • SAT IIs: 800 Chem, 800 Math II, 800 US History
  • ACT:
  • APs: All 5's (Chem, World, Calc AB, US, Lang, Art History, Physics B)
  • IBs:
  • GPA (UW, W): 4.0, 4.64
  • Rank: Don't do ranks, but I got ELC
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: Key Club<3, Science Olympiad, Dance, misc volunteering
  • Job/Work Experience: TA for a summer school program for small children
  • Essays (subject and responses): Q1: Wrote about Key Club, Q2: Wrote about presenting a speech at IMS2010 (international mathematica symposium)
  • Teacher Recs: No recs
  • Counselor Rec: No recs
  • Applied on (EA?): Normal... time?
  • Hook (if any): Nope
  • State or Country: California
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: Asian
  • Gender: Female
[b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
I got Regents too even though I bs-ed the crap out of that app xD Congratulations everybody 

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: College of Letters and Science - Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology

SAT I (by section): 2260 (740 M, 740 CR, 790 W)
SAT IIs: 790 Math II, 750 Spanish, 740 Bio M
ACT: 33
APs: Calc AB (10th), US History/Biology/Calc BC/English Lang and Comp (11th), Spanish Language/Statistics/English Lit and Comp/US Government (12th)
IBs: n/a
GPA (UW, W): 3.9, 4.5
Rank: Top 4% out of 402 (ELC); don't know exact class rank
Other stats: Few awards here and there, I guess
ECs listed on app: Competitive League Bowling, Newspaper Staff Writer, National Honor Society, Medical Scholars Program, Tae Kwon Do, Hospital Volunteering, Second Harvest Food Bank Volunteering, California Immersion Trip, Temple Volunteering
Job/Work Experience: 7-Week Research Internship (Cancer Cell Research)
Essays (subject and responses): First one was about my religious background and second was about bowling. I think both were pretty solid.
Teacher Recs: N/A
Counselor Rec: Good, I'm assuming.
Applied on (EA?): Regular
Hook (if any): I'm a beast


State or Country: CA
School Type: Private Catholic
Ethnicity: BROWN
Gender: M

General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
I'm pretty happy about this, although I probably got it mostly because of ELC. Congrats to all other beasts who were accepted, and to those who didn't get in, I'm sure you'll find great opportunities elsewhere.

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: College of Letters and Science - Business Economics

SAT I (by section): 1860 (650M, 600CR, 610W)
SAT IIs: 670 Chemistry, 780 Spanish, 700 US History
APs: US History (4) /Chemistry(4)/Spanish (5)/English Lang and Comp (4), MicroEconomics (12th Grade) Cal BC (12 GRADE)
IBs: n/a
GPA (UW, W): 4.0, 4.6
Rank: 1/386; Top 4% out of 386 (ELC)
Other stats: Few awards here and there
EC: Captain of Acadeca team, assistant soccer for local soccer team, varsity soccer(captain), founded chess and engineering club, cross country, math tutor, babysitter, in charge of fundraisers for church
Hook: i am poor


State or Country: CA
School Type: Public (Really bad school)
Ethnicity: Mexican American
Gender: M

Excited to have gotten accepted. i think i got in because i am a URM. to those who did not get it do not give up. and to those who got in, i'll see you at UCLA.

Decision: ACCEPTED

College and Program: College of Letters & Science: Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology (MCDB)

  • SAT I (by section): 2010 (Math 650, Reading 660, Writing 700)
  • SAT IIs: US History 680, Biology 700
  • ACT: 30
  • APs: APUSH 5, APWH 5, AP Eng 4, AP Macro Econ 4, AP Micro Econ 4, Calc AB 2
  • IBs: Economics 6, Math 5
  • GPA (UW, W): around 3.71 ish, 4.14 (capped UC gpa at the time)
  • Rank: Top 4% (ELC status or Eligibility in the Local Context)
  • Other stats: AP Scholar w/ Distinction
  • ECs listed on app: Science fair competitor (district & county level), Chairof county's student advisory board for the science fair, pres&founder ofthe school's science & engineering club, Member (4 yrs) & VP (2 yrs) ofprom committee, JV capt field hockey (2 yrs), Green Team member, International Baccalaureate Club. (Ones that didn't fit were featured in additional comments section
  • Job/Work Experience: Paid Tutor in math and science
  • Essays (subject and responses): Prompt 1 - first generation american, military dependent, moved around a lot and how that affected my interest and goals. Prompt 2 - how my imagination and resourcefulness helped me succeed in the sciences, why i love science so much, and how im still able to compete despite lack of monetary support in school's science dept
  • Teacher Recs: N/A
  • Counselor Rec: N/A
  • Applied on (EA?): N/A
  • Hook (if any): None really - unless first gen. American counts but a lot ofpeople are anyways. Also, I suppose my involvement in science-related things
  • State or Country: CA, USA
  • School Type: public
  • Ethnicity: filipino
  • Gender: F
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I am very happy I got accepted. For those who didn't, stay positive - stay hungry, stay thirsty - this isn't the end of it! My SAT and subject test scores as well as GPA were certainly not the best, but my awards in science and completion ofmultiple laboratory training programs as well as COSMOS at UCI helped me out I think

Decision: ACCEPTED 

College and Program: College of Letters and Sciences - Pre Economics 

  • SAT I (by section): 2170 (770M, 730W, 670R)
  • SAT IIs: 750 USH, 710 Math II
  • ACT:
  • APs: USH - 5, Music Theory - 4
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.8UW, 4.28W
  • Rank: Top 20%
  • Other stats: Essay Competition Winner
  • ECs listed on app: Jazz Band, founder of jazz combo, pep band, track and field (3 years), Boy Scouts - Eagle Scout, debate team (1 year), National Honor Society (3 years), CSF (3 years), tutor at migrant summer school (2 years)
  • Job/Work Experience: None
  • Essays (subject and responses): Music - okay, Eagle Scout Project - pretty good
  • Teacher Recs: NA
  • Counselor Rec: NA
  • Applied on (EA?): NA
  • Hook (if any): Eagle Scout
  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Gender: Male
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I'm really happy I was accepted. UCLA was one of my top choices, and I would love to go there. Congrats everyone!

Decision: ACCEPTED

College and Program: College of Letters and Sciences Pre-Biz Econs

  • SAT I (by section): R-730 W-670 M-760 Total: 2160
  • SAT IIs: 760 for Maths II 670 for Biology (M)
  • ACT: NA
  • APs: NA
  • IBs: NA
  • GPA (UW, W): NA in my school
  • Rank: school doesn't rank
  • Other stats: British-patterned qualifications: A level grades: AAB (I got straight As for everything else)
  • ECs listed on app: Guitar Ensemble Executive Committee for 2 years, attained a Distinction for a Guitar Examination under Trinity College London, won distinction for a prestigious nationwide Finance and Economics quiz, over 200 hours worth of community service, went on overseas community involvement program in Cebu, Phillippines, had several student exchange programs (to Japan, and South Korea), a H3 course (university-level) in Singapore Management University for which I got a merit...can't remember what else I wrote.
  • Job/Work Experience: Tutoring in school
  • Essays (subject and responses): Pretty average, really... I talked about my Indonesian upbringing in the Singapore context.
  • Teacher Recs: NA
  • Counselor Rec:NA
  • Applied on (EA?):Nope, by Nov 30
  • Hook (if any): Don't think so..?
  • State or Country: Singapore
  • School Type: Public government-supported high school, competitive, from the Integrated Programme
  • Ethnicity: Asian, Chinese
  • Gender: Female
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I am really surprised that I got in, since I'm an international and all that. I heard acceptance rates for internationals are really low, so you can imagine just how big of a pleasant surprise this was for me. and I definitely think I am a really average student...and I apologise for the huge number of "NA" that I put up there, because those are simply not applicable in the general Singapore context (except for international schools or IB schools).

I'm just wondering if there are any other internationals here who applied toUCLA too? 

Decision: Accepted

Undeclared/Political Science

SAT I (by section): 750 Critical reading, 720 Writing, 760 Math
SAT IIs:Lit 730, Bio 720
APs:AP studio Art Portfolio 4, in progress: AP Calc AB, AP Physics C, AP Gov, AP French

W): 4.72
Rank: top 10 % of class

[ b]Subjective:
ECs listed on app: Swimming, Debate, Art, Community Service, National Honor Society

State or Country:Massachusetts
School Type:Public

Gender: Female

comments: yay 
Decision: Accepted 

College and Program: Bioengineering

  • SAT I (by section): 800 M/ 750 CR/ 730 W
  • SAT IIs: 760 Math II, 790 Bio
  • ACT:
  • APs: 4 in Euro, 5 in Calc AB and Bio
  • IBs:
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.9 uw/ 4.4 w
  • Rank: 5-10%
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: Young Democrats, Volunteer at Community Center, Volunteer Tutor, Academic Decathlon, so on and so forth
  • Job/Work Experience:
  • Essays (subject and responses): I thought they were pretty good, no way to tell.
  • Teacher Recs:
  • Counselor Rec:
  • Applied on (EA?):
  • Hook (if any):
  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity:White
  • Gender: Male
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: Happy I got in, still waiting on Cal and Johns Hopkins before deciding.

Decision: ACCEPTED

College and Program: College of Letters and Sciences - Pre Economics

SAT I (breakdown): M 800 W 800 CR 760
ACT: 35 composite
SAT II: 800 math II, 800 US History, 780 Chem, 760 Physics
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): n/a but definitely 1 or 2/~100
AP (place score in parenthesis): Chem 5, Physics B 5, US History 5, English Lang 5, English Lit 5
IB (place score in parenthesis): n/a
Senior Year Course Load: AP Calc BC , AP Bio, AP Euro, AP micro/macro, English, Chinese 4
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NMF

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): School Newspaper (4 years, Editor in Chief), Debate, MUN, peer tutoring, those kinds of things...
Job/Work Experience: n/a
Volunteer/Community service: don’t feel like going into a ton of detail, but I’ve done a lot
Summer Activities: Lots of volunteer summer programs
Essays: I thought both of my essays were really strong.

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Econ
State (if domestic applicant): CT
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: private, boarding
Ethnicity: white
Gender: female
Income Bracket: 90k
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): none

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: College of Letters and Sciences - Biology

  • SAT I (by section): 630 Reading, 620 Math, 630 Writing
  • SAT IIs: 660 Bio-M, 630 Math 2
  • ACT: 27
  • APs: Psych 4, Calc AB 3, Lang/Comp 3, USH 4, Bio 4
  • IBs:
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.73, 4.18
  • Rank: 19/556
  • Other stats: -
  • ECs listed on app: Publicity/ICC Rep/Historian of MESA & Korean Club, CSF member, library volunteering for decorations, DSC event volunteering, Disney marathons volunteer, & a number more I don't feel like going to check the list. Amounted to a bit over 200hrs.
  • Job/Work Experience: Cashier, private tutor
  • Essays (subject and responses): family expectations/standards (I thought this was eh, couldn't think of anything to write) & desire to help people w/depression & suicide (part of TWLOHA movement & I really couldn't think of anything so it just kind of fit)
  • Teacher Recs:
  • Counselor Rec:
  • Applied on (EA?):
  • Hook (if any):
  • State or Country: California
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: Asian
  • Gender: Female
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: really surprised, actually. It was just kind of my "why the heck not" school to apply to.

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: College of Letters and Science, Anthropology

  • SAT I: 2030 (Math:720, Reading:680, Writing:630)
  • SAT IIs: Latin (800), Biology, Section E (740)
  • ACT: NA
  • APs: Chemistry (4), AP Latin 5/6 (no exam required....)
  • IBs: Biology (5) (Will be taking exams this May for HL Physics, HL Latin, HL History, HL English, and SL Math; I am also a Diploma candidate).
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.88, 4.23
  • Rank:NA
  • Other stats: Perfect score on National Latin Exam for both 2008 and 2009, and high score in 2010.
  • ECs listed on app: Math tutoring at multiple public schools (36+ hours), daycare volunteering (65 hours), UCSF lab volunteering (21 hours)
  • Job/Work Experience: Barista (3 months), daycare assistant (3 months)
  • Essays (subject and responses): Prompt 1 (How my family's scientific and multicultural background, along with my experiences and environment, have inspired me to become a doctor of medicine), Prompt 2 (How my sense of independence and self-motivation in school and in sports has helped me in my accomplishments and has made me the person I am today).
  • Teacher Recs: I assume they're good (they were for a private school I applied to)
  • Counselor Rec: Also assuming it's good.
  • Applied on (EA?): NA
  • Hook (if any): IB Diploma Candidate, decent SAT subject test scores, volunteer hours?
  • State or Country: California
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: Asian/European
  • Gender: Female
[b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: Hello everyone, congrats to whoever has been accepted! UCLA is my first college admission, and it's pretty much my first choice (tied with University of Chicago), so I'm really excited! For those of you who didn't get in, I still wish you the bestof luck getting into other great universities!

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: College of Letters and Sciences - Pre- Political Science


* SAT I (by section): 700 Reading, 700 Math, 740 Writing
* SAT IIs: 800- US History, 740- Literature
* APs: Psych:5, Calc AB:2, USH: 5, Euro History: 5, Physics B: 3
* IBs:
* GPA (UW, W): 3.9, 4.3
* Rank: NA
* Other stats: NA


* ECs listed on app: Team Captain of Mock Trial, Founder of Political Debate Club, Lead roles in a bunch of musicals and drama performances and memberof Advanced Drama performing group, and Soloist for all of the selective choirs at my school, and Senior Class President. JV Basketball and Swimming.
* Job/Work Experience: Soccer Refereeing
* Essays (subject and responses): First was about how my father inspired my love of history and politics, second was about Indian sandwiches and accepting my diversity as an Indian American.
* Teacher Recs:
* Counselor Rec:
* Applied on (EA?):
* Hook (if any):


* State or Country: California
* School Type: Public
* Ethnicity: Asian
* Gender: Male

General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: Happy i got in! I'm already a Regents candidate at Cal though and that is my favorite UC but this was a wonderful ego boost haha =)

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: College of Letters and Science, Mathematics/Applied Science 

  • SAT I (by section): Math 800. CR 650. W 670 (2120)
  • SAT IIs:Math 800 Chemistry 750
  • ACT:N/A
  • APs:Calculus AB 5, US History 2, Chemistry 4, Physics(M) 4, Eng Comp 3, Stat 4
  • IBs: None
  • GPA (UW, W): 4 UW, 4.4 W
  • Rank:5/350
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app:
  • Job/Work Experience:Habitat, volunteered at a local hospital, math tutor, high school mentor, math league, art, etc
  • Essays (subject and responses): pretty good
  • Teacher Recs: excellent
  • Counselor Rec: excellent
  • Applied on (EA?): ?/ Don't remember
  • Hook (if any): None
  • State or Country: IL
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity:Asian, Chinese
  • Gender: female
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I'm an international (but I go to school in US) and I'm very very happy to get accepted!UCLA is one of my top choices! Congrats everyone!!

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: College of Letters and Sciences - Mathematics

  • SAT I (by section): 2260; CR: 710, W: 780, M: 770
  • SAT IIs: 730 Bio, 730 US History, 720 Math II
  • ACT: 32 (M: 33 E: 32 R: 35 Sci: 28)
  • APs: Bio(3), Human Geo(4), Euro(3), Chem(2), Lang(5), Physics B(2), US Hist(4), CS A(2)
  • IBs: None.
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.78, 4.47
  • Rank: 10/528
  • Other stats: AP Scholar
  • Senior schedule: AP Econ, AP US Gov, AP Lit, AP Calc BC, AP Stats, AP Environmental Sci, Spanish
  • ECs listed on app: Academic Decathlon, Swim, Treasurer for Special Olympics Society, MSSL (Music Students Service League), homework club tutoring math during lunch
  • Job/Work Experience: None
  • Essays (subject and responses): 1. My experience in Special Olympics and the stop of the use of the word "retarded"; 2. How language barriers have shaped my life and how I hope to overcome them.
  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: Public, mid-sized
  • Ethnicity: Asian American
  • Gender: Female
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:Definitely excited to have been accepted. Congratulations to everyone who got in!

Decision: Accepted!

College and Program: College of Letters and Science - Biology

  • SAT I (by section): 1640; too lazy to log in and check individual sections.
  • SAT IIs: 600 - BiologyM, 640 - Math II
  • ACT: 28
  • APs: Failed all 3 I took, heheh. (and by failed, I mean all 1's...)
  • IBs: n/a
  • GPA (UW, W): UW: 3.93? W: 4.319
  • Rank: 4
  • Other stats: n/a
  • ECs listed on app: HOSA, MESA, NHS, hospital volunteer, and a whole bunch of smaller clubs on campus. Mind you I was an officer (usually president) for most of them.
  • Job/Work Experience: Summer research internship.
  • Essays (subject and responses): One was about my HOSA experiences or about my research experience. Forgot. And the other was using pop culture to describe the hardships of underprivileged cities and how I overcame it.
  • Teacher Recs: n/a
  • Counselor Rec: n/a
  • Applied on (EA?): The day before the deadline. Nov. 29th, I think?
  • Hook (if any): I think it's the fact I come from an underprivileged city helped a lot. and oh! I took a college class at UCR and some classes at my local community college, getting A's in all of them.
  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: Viet
  • Gender: Female
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
Honestly I was more than surprised when I found out I was accepted. I never knew my score stats would live up to its name, but I'm guessing the passion I put into my EC's made me got in.
And note about my SAT score: I've only known 1 person in my entire campus (including classes from 2009 and 2010) who got a 2000+ on their SATs, so you can imagine how well off my school is...


College and Program: College of Letters and Sciences: Undecided

  • SAT I (by section): CR(700), M(660), W(710)
  • SAT IIs: Math (610), Lit (700)
  • ACT:n/a
  • APs: Language and Composition (5), Psychology (5), Statistics, Literature
  • IBs:n/a
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.96/4.3
  • Rank:n/a
    [] Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: Key Club (4), American Red Cross- historian (3), American Cancer Society Secretary, VP(3), Student Leadership Council- Secretary, President (4), Science Bowl (2)
  • Job/Work Experience: none
  • Essays (subject and responses): Cancer- personal, I was really proud of it & so were my counselors and teachers. Family insecurities.
  • Teacher Recs: UC's don't take recs
  • Counselor Rec:...
  • Applied on (EA?):...
  • Hook (if any): I survived cancer
  • State or Country: CA, USA
  • School Type: Large Public Charter
  • Ethnicity: Filipino
  • Gender: Female
[b] General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
ahaha, I can finally breathe a little after getting in (:

Decision: ACCEPTED

College and Program: English

SAT I (by section): 2040, Crit Reading: 680, Writing: 740, Math: 640
SAT IIs: Bio M: 680, Chem: 590, English: 730, Math II: 580, World History: 690
ACT: 33
APs: AP World History- 5, APUSH-3, AP Bio- 5 Current APs: English Language, Lit, Calc AB, Physics B
IBs: None
GPA: W- 4.21 UW- 3.75
Rank: N/A
Other stats: N/A
ECs listed on app: Marching Band, Concert Band (Section Leader/ First Chair), Winterguard, some volunteer stuff, a two week summer program at a college
Job/Work Experience: None
Essays (subject and responses): Wrote about my journey to achieve unnescessary extra credit (decent), the other one was average
Teacher Recs: N/A
Counselor Rec: N/A
Applied on (EA?): N/A
Hook (if any): ELC
State or Country: LA
School Type: Private/Catholic
Ethnicity: White
Gender: F
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
Congratulations to everyone who got in!!!!

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: SEAS, Computer Science & Engineering

  • SAT I (by section): 1920 (640 CR, 740 MA, 540 WR)
  • SAT IIs: 790 Math 2, 770 Physics, 660 Literature
  • ACT: 35 (32 English, 36 Math, 36 Reading, 36 Science, Combined English/Writing 27)
  • APs: AP US History 3, AP Physics B 4, AP English Language 4
  • IBs:
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.83 UW, 4.2 W
  • Rank: 6/570
  • Other stats: Took 8/9 available APs at my school
  • ECs listed on app: 3 yrs Varsity Water Polo (Co-Captain), 4 yrs Varsity Swimming, 2 yrs Club Water Polo
  • Job/Work Experience:
  • Essays (subject and responses): I wrote about me learning I wanted to be an engineer and about me receiving the mvp award for my water polo team. I think they were very ehhh -wrote them in like three days- but happy with how they turned out.
  • Teacher Recs:
  • Counselor Rec:
  • Applied on (EA?):
  • Hook (if any):
  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: Filipino
  • Gender: Male
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: Really happy about being accepted and congrats to everyone else that got in.

Decision: Accepted 

College and Program:UCLA College of Letters and Science with Pre Business Economics

  • SAT I (by section): 780 M, 700 W, 700 CR 2180 total
  • SAT IIs: 800 Math IIC, 780 Japanese
  • ACT: N/A
  • APs: N/A
  • IBs: N/A
  • GPA (UW, W): UW: 3.79, UC GPA: 4.15
  • Rank: top 15 out of 60? (because of freshman grades)
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: High school vice president, math team co-founder/co-president, AMC/AIME school record, etc.
  • Job/Work Experience: tutor, carpet business
  • Essays (subject and responses): mediocre. essays about leadership/spirit
  • Hook (if any): (antihook) ORM (chinese)
  • State or Country: Japan
  • School Type: Private, international
  • Ethnicity: Chinese
  • Gender: Male
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
yesss my first acceptance 

Decision: Accepted!

College and Program: College of Letters and Sciences - Biology

  • SAT I (by section): 680 M, 670 CR, 720 W (2070 composite)
  • SAT IIs: 710 Math 2, 690 Bio E, 640 US History
  • ACT: 32 (both times)
  • APs: Human Geography (4), Euro History (3), US History (3), Bio (4), Studio Art: Drawing (3), Lang (4) - currently taking AP Chem, AP Psych, AP Lit, AP Studio Art: 2-D Design
  • IBs: N/A
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.95 and 4.23
  • Rank: 3/450
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: NHS, Link Crew, Interact, National Art Honor Society, French Club, Varsity Tennis
  • Job/Work Experience: 2 waitressing jobs, 1 hostessing job, cosmetic company sponsoree, freelance graphic designer
  • Essays (subject and responses): Really last-minute. I wrote about a calendar I designed and made money off of and the death of a family friend which made me want to go into the medical field.
  • Teacher Recs: N/A
  • Counselor Rec: N/A
  • Applied on (EA?): Day before deadline
  • Hook (if any):
  • State or Country: Colorado!
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: Asian (Vietnamese)
  • Gender: Female
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
After reading all of these posts, I'm more than shocked that I got in with my stats. I'm pretty sure it's because I whored out on the APs though. But congrats to everyone!

Decision: Accepted 

College and Program: UCLA College of Letters and Science with Biology

  • SAT I (by section): R570 W630 M750
  • SAT IIs: Chem 680 MathII 690
  • ACT: 29
  • APs: Geo2,Euro3,Lang2,Psych5
  • IBs:
  • GPA (UW, W): UW: 4.0 WeightedUC: ~4.51
  • Rank: 3/543
  • Other stats:ELC
  • ECs listed on app:Key Club Treasurer, Hospital Volunteer, TA in Church School, Varsity Tennis
  • Job/Work Experience:None
  • Essays (subject and responses): Wrote about my love for Android phones. lol.
  • Teacher Recs:N/A
  • Counselor Rec:N/A
  • Hook (if any):
  • State or Country:San Diego
  • School Type:Public
  • Ethnicity:Vietnamese
  • Gender:Male
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
Many of my friends got in and were much lower than many of the people here (including me). with 1700-1900 SAT's and averagely good GPA (weighted 4.3ish unweighted 3.7ish). Not much more extracurricular than me.

Decision: ACCEPTED 

College and Program: Engineering 

  • SAT I (by section): Math 800, Reading 760, Writing 760; Total - 2320
  • SAT IIs: Math II 800, Physics 780, Chemistry 780, Lit 650
  • IBs: Full IB Diploma; HL Physics/Chemistry/Economics, SL Math/English/French
  • GPA (UW, W): UW 3.73, W unknown
  • ECs listed on app: Piano, Tennis, Volleyball, Two Charity Groups [each participated since 9th]
  • Job/Work Experience: internship at the same company for two summers
  • Essays (subject and responses): well-written, but little substance :/
  • Teacher Recs: decent
  • Counselor Rec: decent
  • Applied on (EA?): RD
  • Hook (if any): none!
  • School Type: private, competitive
  • Ethnicity: Asian
  • Gender: male
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I didn't think that I would be admitted because I'm an out-of-stater and my GPA isn't particularly strong (even though my test scores are). But thanks to the economic situation of California, a great many more OOS students have been accepted this year! UCLA is one of my top choices because of its location in Los Angeles! The weather, the girls, the chill personalities of Californians, the great reputation and prestige, and the solid academics of UCLA are all highly attractive to me. Now I'm just waiting on Berkeley (my absolute first choice).

Decision: Accepted 

  • SAT I (by section): CR:720 M:800 W:780
  • SAT IIs: Chemistry:780 Math II: 800
  • ACT: n/a
  • APs: Microeconomics:5 Macroeconomics:5 Calculus AB:5
  • IBs: Economics HL, Math HL, Chemistry HL, Physics HL, English A1 SL, French B SL, predicted (Respectively):7,7,7,7,6,6 (+3 extra points) (total:43)
  • GPA (UW, W): (3.9, 4.17)
  • Rank:
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: MUN, Rugby, Yearbook Editor, School Paper, FHS, Volunteer Work
  • Job/Work Experience: Intern at the Ministry of Environmental Protection in China for one Summer
  • Essays (subject and responses): Pretty well written, wrote about my experience living in the Philippines as a Chinese national, about my cultural heritage, the other one is about Rugby.
  • Teacher Recs: Excellent
  • Counselor Rec: meh
  • Applied on (EA?): RD
  • Hook (if any): Anti-hook: Asian Male
  • State or Country: Philippines
  • School Type: Small Private
  • Ethnicity: Chinese
  • Gender: Male
[b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: Already got EA to UChicago, waiting on my other schools, Good luck to everyone! 

Decision: Accepted 

College and Program: Pre-Sociology (was second choice?)

  • SAT I (by section): C 680, M 680, W 720 (first try 680, 600, 720)
  • SAT IIs: Bio 680, Math 2 690
  • ACT: 33
  • APs: World History, English Language, Japanese (currently taking Literature, Calc BC, Government, Economics)
  • IBs: none
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.95/ 4.14 (UC GPA 4.2 ish)
  • Rank: 23/600
  • Other stats: I also had to send in some really bad first-try sat 2s
  • ECs listed on app:
    Taekwon-Do (13 years, 2nd degree black belt, team captain):
    Taekwon-Do Hall of Fame recognition for "youth excellence" (2009)
    State Championship--
    2006 & 2008 (Reno, NV): 1st place patterns/2nd place spar
    2008 (Salt Lake City, UT): 1st place patterns
    2009 (Philadelphia, PA): 1st place patterns

    National Qualifiers competition—
    2006: 2nd place patterns
    2007: 1st place patterns, 2nd place sparring
    2010: 1st place patterns, 2nd place sparring, 2nd place board breaking

    World Championship competition—
    2006 (Geelong, Australia): 2nd place patterns, 3rd places team events
    2007 (Birmingham, England): 1st place patterns, 2nd & 3rd place team events
    2010 (Cheong-Ju, South Korea): 1st place patterns, 2nd & 3rd places team events

    DECA (2009-2011): CFO, various awards at local, norcal, and state level

    Volunteering: approx. 300 hours at OHK, Red Cross, Taekwon-Do do-jang
  • Job/Work Experience: approx. 320 hours as secretary, 75 hours teaching Taekwon-Do
  • Essays (subject and responses): My two loves, bra-shopping and Taekwon-Do (my world), DECA (experience)
  • Teacher Recs: n/a
  • Counselor Rec: generic
  • Applied on (EA?): no
  • Hook (if any): TKD?
  • State or Country: East Bay CA
  • School Type: Large public
  • Ethnicity: Chinese
  • Gender: Female
Decision: Accepted 

College and Program: Biology

  • SAT I (by section): 2340 total in one sitting (800 math, 760 reading, 780 grammar)
  • SAT IIs: 800 math, 740 biology e, 720 French
  • ACT: didn't take
  • APs: sophomore year- AP Biology, junior year-AP French, AP Calculus AB, senior year-AP English 12, AP Environmental Science, and AP Calculus BC
  • IBs: none
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.95, 4.456
  • Rank:my school doesn't rank but I know I'm in the top 4% because of ELC
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: HSS (Indian Cultural Organization) leader for all four years and part of the organization since I was seven, Library Shelver, Kaiser Permanante Volunteer, and on my city's Teen Council, HOSA, CHS, NHS, and I also won a state level writing award
  • Job/Work Experience: I am a tutor!
  • Essays (subject and responses): Weird as this sounds, I had fun writing my essays. My first one I talked about The Little Mermaid and the second essay, I talked about tutoring.
  • Teacher Recs: pretty good
  • Counselor Rec: ok
  • Applied on (EA?): lol no
  • Hook (if any): nope not really
  • State or Country: USA
  • School Type: Public High school
  • Ethnicity: Indian
  • Gender:Female
[b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
To anyone applying next year, just do your best on your application and good luck.
To those who didn't get in, I'm sure that you will be happy wherever you do go 

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: HSSEAS, Materials Science and Engineering

  • SAT I (by section): N/A
  • SAT IIs: Math (780), Chemistry (740)
  • ACT: 35 (34 W, 36 M, 35 R, 34 S, 10 Writing)
  • APs: Euro (4), APUSH (5), Chemistry (5), Calculus AB (5), English Language (4), Spanish Language (3)
    AP Physics C, Stats, U.S. Government and English Literature for senior year.
  • GPA (UW, W): 4.00, 4.63 (what was listed on my transcript, I didn't want to calculate the UC one)
  • Rank: top 10% / 2/601
  • ECs listed on app: Band, co-founded own tutoring company, a few clubs
  • Job/Work Experience: Co-founded and managed the tutoring company, summer intern at UCLA Engineering
  • Essays (subject and responses): I think they were about band and the business. They could've been a bit better, but I was content with them.
  • Teacher Recs: I think they were pretty good; a bit generic, if anything, probably.
  • Counselor Rec: Good.
  • Applied on (EA?): RD
  • Hook (if any): URM, first-generation college student, I worked there last summer as part of their High School Summer Research Program...yeah, that probably helped. Oh, and materials engineering, since it's probably the smallest major in the school.
  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: public, fairly competitive (at least ten people from my school have gotten into UCLA so far, so...)
  • Ethnicity: Asian
  • Gender: Male
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I think the hooks and good transcript and test scores were what got me in. Congratulations to the accepted! Still waiting for other schools though, so we'll see!


College and Program: Physiology 

  • SAT I (by section): 2310 total in one sitting (800 math, 720 reading, 790 writing)
  • SAT IIs: 800 math II, 800 Biology E, 720 US history
  • ACT: 34 (35 math, 35 writing, 34 reading, 32 science)
  • APs: Calc AB, Calc BC, European history, US history, Biology; going to take Ap rhet, Chemistry, Microeconomics, statistics this year
  • IBs: none
  • GPA (UW, W): 4.0, 4.6
  • Rank: 1 out of 750
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: Kaiser Permanente volunteer, American Cancer Society treasurer, CSF board member, National honor Society Treasurer, track (3 years varsity: 2 years varsity captain), Leo Club, CIF, League champ, AMC 12, etc
  • Job/Work Experience: Interned over the summer
  • Essays (subject and responses): ehh, hopefully they're decent
  • Teacher Recs: pretty good
  • Counselor Rec: N/A
  • Applied on (EA?): nope
  • Hook (if any): none
  • State or Country: California
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: Chinese
  • Gender: male
[b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: congrats to everybody who made it!

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: College of Letters and Sciences - Undeclared Soc.Sci.

  • SAT I (breakdown): Total 2000 - 680 Math, 680 Writing, 640 Reading
  • ACT: N/A
  • SAT II: 680 Math II, 560 English
  • Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.97
  • UC GPA: 4.4+
  • Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Top 4%
  • ELC?: Yes
  • AP: AP Engish Language + Comp (5); AP statistics (4)
  • IB: N/A
  • Senior Year Course Load: AP English Lit, AP Calculus AB, AP Macro/Microeconomics, French 4/5 Honors
  • Major Awards: None
  • Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Band 3 years, Jazz Band 3 years, Yoga, Scrabble Club
  • Job/Work Experience: N/A
  • Volunteer/Community service: Library Volunteer (2 yrs), Academic Tutor (2yrs), Playing bridge with seniors (Summers, picture in local newspaper)
  • Personal Statement: Excellent
    #1: Physical setback (Music->Yoga transition)
    #2: Playing bridge with seniors
  • Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
  • Intended Major: Undeclared SocialSci
  • State (if domestic applicant): CA
  • Country (if international applicant): N/A
  • School Type: Public Large (3000+)
  • Ethnicity: Asian
  • Gender: Male
  • Income Bracket: 50k-60k
  • Hooks: First generation college, physical setback, "interesting/different" community service activity
  • Strengths: GPA, Personal Statement
  • Weaknesses: SAT IIs, Leadership
  • Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: GPA + Personal Statement

Decision: Rejected 

College and Program: Molecular Cell Developmental Biology ALTER: Double E

  • SAT I (by section): 1780
  • SAT IIs: MathII 800 Chem 780 BioM 740
  • ACT: 29 (Math 35 Science 33)
  • APs: Calc AB (5), Chinese (5)
  • IBs: N/A
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.91 (UW) 4.29 (UC GPA)
  • Rank:N/A
  • Other stats: TOEFL iBT 101
  • ECs listed on app:Basketball Team, Robotics, AVID Tutor, Tzu-Chi Volunteer, School Club, Free webhosting provider, UCSB RMP
  • Job/Work Experience: Tutor, Founder of a webhosting Company, Internship on website management
  • Essays (subject and responses): talked about bi-cultural experience
  • Teacher Recs:N/A
  • Counselor Rec:N/A
  • Applied on (EA?):N/A
  • Hook (if any):N/A
  • State or Country: California
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: Taiwanese
  • Gender: Male
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
My SAT English score was bad. Its hard to memorize all these vocab as a ESL student. Also didnt do an impressed job on the essay.
Congrats to those who got accepted!!  Good Luck to all.

Decision: ACCEPTED

College and Program: College of Letters and Sciences, Undeclared-Humanities

  • SAT I (by section): R-800, W-770, M-630
  • SAT IIs: 800 Literature, 660 US History
  • ACT: 30
  • APs: Art History, US History, US Government, Comparative Government, English Literature/Comp, Statistics
  • IBs: SL = Psychology, Math Studies, Spanish ... HL = Biology, History ofEurope, English
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.86 UW
  • Rank: top 10%
  • Other stats:National Merit Commended Student
[ b]Subjective:[/b]
  • ECs listed on app: Gifted Advisory Board, National Honor Society, Linguistics Club, Model UN, Yearbook, SCA
  • Job/Work Experience: none
  • Essays (subject and responses): straight up killed these. Did the "where you come from" one about my high school and one about how my ambition drives me.
  • Teacher Recs: From my History teacher whom I adore and my Gifted Resource teacher/adviser for Gifted Advisory Board Club. I love them both and they love me, so they were probably pretty good.
  • Counselor Rec: I don't know my counselor at all. I actually had three different counselors from September to December, so who even knows.
Location/Person:[ list][*] State or Country: Virginia Beach, Virginia[*] School Type: public high school, but in the International Baccalaureate Academy there[*] Ethnicity: white girl.[*] Gender: Female[/list][ b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: SO STOKED. But why does UCLA have to be so EXPENSIVE?! I'll probably ending up having to go in-state to University of Virginia or College of William & Mary, but we'll see.

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: College of Letters and Science, Chemistry

  • SAT I (by section): 2060 Total - 600 CR, 770 M, 690 W
  • SAT IIs: 710 Math IIC, 650 Chemistry
  • ACT: 29 (didn't submit)
  • APs: Chemistry (5)
  • IBs:
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.8X, 4.1X
  • Rank: 3/151
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: A LOT of leadership positions, volunteering, clubs, band, very active
  • Job/Work Experience: Piano playing, filing papers in my dad's office
  • Essays (subject and responses): Talked about my allergies and growing up in a polluted environment. I also mentioned my experience with tutoring a student.
  • Teacher Recs: Excellent from my Math and English teachers
  • Counselor Rec: Excellent
  • Applied on (EA?): Regular
  • Hook (if any): N/A
  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: Private
  • Ethnicity: Asian
  • Gender: Male
[b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: My GPA and SAT were pretty much average for this school, but I think it was my extracurriculars and essay that allowed me to shine through. Congrats to all who got in!!! This isn't my first choice, but I'll see when the time comes to choose between this school and other East Coast colleges.

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: College of Letters and Sciences, Chemistry

  • SAT I (by section): 2380 (790 CR, 800 M, 790 W)
  • SAT IIs: 800 Chemistry, 800 Math II
  • ACT: n/a
  • APs: Chemistry (5), Calculus AB (5), Biology (5)
  • IBs: n/a
  • GPA (UW, W): 4.0 UW, 4.5 W
  • Rank: Top 10% (school does not rank, only deciles)
  • Other stats: Linear Algebra course at my local UC
  • ECs listed on app: Research in a chemistry lab, United States Pony Club (horseback riding), flute and piccolo, jewelry design, volunteer work at a couple places
  • Job/Work Experience: n/a
  • Essays (subject and responses): Talked about my love of books and chemistry
  • Hook (if any): …not really?
  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: Eurasian
  • Gender: Female
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations, etc: I was also selected as a Regents’ Scholar. Congratulations to everyone!


College and Program: Letters and Sciences, Geology

  • SAT I (by section): M730, W640, CR600 (1970)
  • SAT IIs: 800 Math 2, 800 Spanish w/Listening
  • ACT: NA
  • APs: Calculus AB, Physics B, Chemistry, Spanish Lang, Spanish Lit
  • IBs: NA
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.8/4
  • Rank: Top half
  • ECs listed on app: Soccer, Debate/Speech, Student Council, Drama, Student Magazine
  • Job/Work Experience: Soccer Coach
  • Essays (subject and responses): The one about my background was pretty boss, the one on an experience was decent but not my best essay.
  • Hook (if any): Maybe coming from a Spanish speaking country without speaking English in to Canada in grade 10 and ending up learning French and English too.
  • State or Country: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • School Type: Private
  • Ethnicity: Hispanic
  • Gender:Male
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: 
Accepted to: U of Calgary, U of Alberta, Colorado School of Mines and UCLA so far.
Rejected from: Washington University at St. Louis
Waiting for: UBC, U of Waterloo, U of Toronto, Queen's University, McGill, Columbia, Reed, Carleton, UC Berkeley, Penn State.

To those applying in the future, DO NOT DARE THINK you can't make it to UCLA. I am no Einstein and I made it.

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: Engineering Undeclared

  • SAT I (by section): 700 M, 650 CR, 720 CW
  • SAT IIs: 770 Math II, 740 Chemistry
  • ACT: 34 (35 superscore)
  • APs: World History 5, APUSH 4, AP Eng. Lang. 5
  • IBs: -
  • GPA (UW, W): UW 4.0, W 4.2
  • Rank: top 1%
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: Tennis, NHS VP, Art
  • Job/Work Experience: None
  • Essays (subject and responses): Mostly about where I live, with a hint at my homosexuality
  • Teacher Recs: Very good
  • Counselor Rec: She loves me
  • Applied on (EA?): Weekend of the regular decision deadline
  • Hook (if any): -
  • State or Country: Colorado
  • School Type: Public of ~1700 students
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Gender: Male

College and Program: College of Letters and Science POLI SCI!

  • SAT I (by section): M 760 CR 680 W 700
  • SAT IIs: World History 690 US History 760 Biology M 690
  • ACT: 31
  • APs: Stats 5 US 5 Psych 5 Lang and Comp 5 Euro 4
  • IBs:
  • GPA (UW, W): My school does a weird weighting system but 92.6 unweighted/3.8 something
  • Rank: 20/396
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: President of Environmental club; initiated in school recycling, raised money for Oil Spill relief. Webmaster/Publicity of Key Club, built key clubs site. Secretary of Student Council. Varsity Tennis. Protein Modeling Competition. Had a lot of EC's and involvement
  • Job/Work Experience: Babysitting lol
  • Essays (subject and responses): Talked about how I always envied about how everyone was certain about what they wanted to do and it took me a while to figure out. I wrote about how I was able to research law and legal procedures in order to help my dad receive money from an accident he had at work that left him in a wheelchair(its very graphic but basically a guy who wasnt supposed to be operating a forklift drove into my dad)
  • Hook (if any): Very low income, was able to get a fee waiver for the UC app(dad+mom make 45k combined per year)
  • State or Country: New York
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Gender: Male
Decision: Accepted

College and Program: Letters and Science: Pre-Business Economics

  • SAT I (by section): 2130 (CR 690, M 730, W 710)
  • SAT IIs: US History 770, Math II 710
  • ACT: 32 (Eng 34, Math 34, Reading 31, Science 27)
  • APs: Physics B 4, Eng. Lang 4, APUSH 4, US Govt, Calc AB, Stats, Eng Lit, Physics C Mech., Chem (all to come this year)
  • IBs: n/a
  • GPA (UW, W): UW 3.9, W 4.1, UC 4.53
  • Rank: 7/386
  • Other stats: 3 AP's + 1 honors (11th), 5 AP's + 1 self study (12th), AP Scholar Award
  • ECs listed on app: Track (9,10,11,12), My Own Offseason Track Training (10,11,12),
    Community Service Club (11,12--12th Board member + small award 11th), Basketball--Just playing b-ball @ park, house, neighborhood (9,10,11,12)
  • Volunteer/Community Service: Library Tutor (11,12), Library Summer Volunteer (11)
  • Job/Work Experience: n/a
  • Personal Statement: Prompt 1 (5/10), Prompt 2 (6/10)---> Overall= pretty clique
  • Hook (if any): ELC?
  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: Asian Indian
  • Gender: Male
  • Strengths: Academics, Dedication/Passion (i.e. lots of hrs & years) to track and b-ball in my EC's
  • Weaknesses: EC's Overall (some of them weren't official, but I was dedicated a lot to everything I did). None of my EC's were school clubs. Not much leadership.
  • Why you think you were accepted/rejected: UC Gpa, # of AP classes, all A's 10th and 11th grade
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I'm sooo Haapppyy!!! My first acceptance from a non-safety. I visited UCLA in the summer and thought it was awesome. There's probably a 75% chance I'm heading to UCLA so I'm pretty stoked. Congrats to everyone else who was accepted and I know the people who were rejected will end up at a great school.UCLA Rocks!! 

Decision: Rejected

[ b]College and Program:Letters and Science Political science

[ *] SAT I (by section): 500 Critical reading, 500 math, 500 writing (1500 total)
[ *] SAT IIs: 800 Spanish, 530 Biology E
[ *] ACT: 22
[ *] APs: 11: AP Spanish Language, AP Spanish Literature, AP World History, AP US History, AP English Language, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP English Literature, AP US Government, AP Calculus AB, and AP Calculus BC (only student at my school who took every single AP class available at our school)
[ *] IBs: Not available
[ *] GPA (UW, W): 3.81Unweighted, 4.33 weighted (10-11), 4.11 UC GPA (10-11)
[ *] Rank:11/350
Other stats: ELC, CSF four years, Community service award, Ballet Folklorico regional and national competitions (3 first place in both categories), Certificateof achievement as a recognition as an English Learner

[ *] ECs listed on app: MEChA president 2 years, Newspaper editor in chief (3 years), AVID secretary (3 years), Japanese club secretary (2 years), Photography club secretary (2 years). Upward bound, AVID, compact for success, educational talent search, and AVID (Educational Prep Programs)
[ *] Job/Work Experience: Tijuana estuary (inform people about endangered species), Math tutor (i helped student in preparation for the CAHSEE), tutor in math for Korean kids. 200+ community service hours
[ *] Essays (subject and responses): 1: My biography for the most part (personal hardships and struggles such as parents' divorce, coming to America in freshman one month before the end of eighth grade, taking care of my siblings since elementary school and finally deaths). 2: My trip to Peru in which i taught kids how to read and write, promoter of Pennies for Peace at my school (we collect money for kids in Afghanistan to help them buy school supplies. Finally why i want to become a lawyer.
[ *] Teacher Recs: None
[ *] Counselor Rec: None
[ *] Applied on (EA?): No
[ *] Hook (if any): Minority, First generation college student, Low income

[ *] State or Country: California
[ *] School Type: Public 715 API, in program improvement since 2004
[ *] Ethnicity: Mexican
[ *] Gender: Male[ /list][ b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: I though i had a chance to get into UCLA because i felt i had a well-rounded application. In freshman grade i didn't know how to speak English which is the reason for my low SAT/ACT scores. Congratulations to all who got into UCLA is a wonderful school now i have to wait for UCSD crossing fingers.

Decision: Accepted  

College and Program: Pre-business

  • SAT I (by section): 650 CR/700 Math/650 Writing
  • SAT IIs: 770 Spanish / 640 Chem .__.
  • ACT: 33
  • APs: 5 in Spanish (didnt send tho)
  • IBs: none
  • GPA (UW, W): 4.0 weighted, 3.68 UW.
  • Rank: 7/59
  • ECs listed on app: Volunteer hours (400+), NHS president, SC treasurer for 2 years, lots of soccer stuff, translator in Spanish, english and korean.
  • Job/Work Experience: Unpaid translator. lol.
  • Essays (subject and responses): High average.
  • Teacher Recs: There were teacher recs? didnt know that.
  • Counselor Rec: Didnt know there were counselor rec.
  • Applied on (EA?): Nope
  • Hook (if any): nope
Location/Person:[list][*] State or Country: Illinois, but international from Mexico[*] School Type: small private, christian [*] Ethnicity: Korean, asian.[*] Gender: Male

Decision: Accepted 

College and Program: Chemical Engineering 

  • SAT I (by section): didn't send
  • SAT IIs: Math II 770, Chem 770
  • ACT: 31 (29E 36M 28R 31S)
  • APs: Stats (5) World History (3) Calc BC (5) Eng Lang/Comp (4) Env. Science (5) US History (3) TBA: AP Bio, AP Econ, AP Lit, AP Physics C Mech.
  • IBs: none
  • GPA: 4.77W 3.98UW
  • Rank: 1/300ish
  • Other stats: ELC, AP Scholar with Distinction, All-State Acadimic Honor, more math senior year at local college
  • ECs listed on app: National Honor Society, Foster Care, Varsity Alpine Ski Racing x4, Rotary Youth Leadership Award, JV soccer and baseball x2
  • Job/Work Experience:Engineering Intern past two summers
  • Essays (subject and responses): 1. Effect of Ski racing on my life 2. Talked about being a foster brother
  • Hook (if any): none
  • State or Country: CA
  • School Type: Public
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Gender: Male
General Comments: Pretty excited! First college I have heard from so far. Hope there are more acceptances to come but knowing that I am at least going to UCLA is very comforting.

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: College of Letters and Science

  • SAT I (by section): 770W, 770CR, 680M (2220)
  • SAT IIs: 750 Lit, 740 US History
  • ACT:
  • APs: Euro (4), US History (5), Lang & Comp (5), Calc, Lit, Pol & Gov, Macroecon
  • IBs:
  • GPA (UW, W): 4.0 UW
  • Rank: 1/259
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: Orchestra (Concertmaster, President), Chamber Orchestra (Co-Founder), Volunteer Tutor at Neighborhood House Association Tutoring Center, Girls State, Competitive Speaking (9th/10th grade), Link Crew (11th), Honor Society (12th), Co-Founder of MISC (Musicians In Support against Cancer) Benefit Concert for Seattle Cancer Care Alliance - raised over $2000
  • Job/Work Experience: Tutor at Kumon Learning Center, agency-represented fashion/runway model
  • Essays (subject and responses): Wrote one about fiddling & how it gave me the confidence to pursue a career as a trial lawyer and another about modeling & learning how to juggle missing school and the demands of jobs (choosing between traveling and school and going to AP exams over a job). They were decent.
  • Teacher Recs: Good I think?
  • Counselor Rec: No idea.
  • Applied on (EA?): N/A
  • Hook (if any): None
  • State or Country: Washington
  • School Type: public, fairly small, not competitive
  • Ethnicity: Half Taiwanese, half German
  • Gender: Female
[b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: Happy to have my first acceptance, but disappointed that I probably won’t be able to attend due to financial aid.

Decision: Accepted

College and Program:College of Arts and Sciences, Undeclared Humanities

  • SAT I (by section):800 CR, 760 Math, 800 W = 2360
  • SAT IIs: 800 Math, 780 Chem, 760 Lit
  • ACT: None
  • APs: None
  • IBs: UPG: 36/42 (HL: Chem 6, Math 5, Philosophy 7; SL: Physics 6, English 7 German 5)
  • GPA (UW, W): None
  • Rank: School does not rank
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: Student Council (president), PPE Club (president), yearbook committee, deputy head boy, orchestra (first trumpet) 6 years, choir, swimming, rugby
  • Job/Work Experience: Web designer, math tutor
  • Essays (subject and responses): Multicultural upbringing and dealing with injuries
  • Teacher Recs: Didn't (couldn't) read
  • Counselor Rec: Didn't (couldn't) read
  • Applied on (EA?): NA
  • Hook (if any): None
  • State or Country: Hong Kong
  • School Type: Private international
  • Ethnicity: Chinese
  • Gender: Male
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
Congrats to all those accepted! To those who weren't, best of luck (:

Decision: Accepted

College and Program: College of Letters and Sciences, English

SAT I (by section): 700 CR, 760 Math, 710 Writing (Total 2170)
SAT IIs: 650 US History, 700 Literature
APs: AP Calculus AB, AP Stats, AP Lit, AP Lang, AP Gov, AP Econ (Macro & Micro), APUSH
IBs: None
GPA: 3.95 unweighted
Rank: school doesn't rank

ECs listed on app: Business Manager of School Paper, Founder/Head ofBroadcast Journalism club, 4-year Advanced Drama member (theater), Writing Center Director/Tutor, Model UN, NHS, thespian honor society
Job/Work Experience: Summer Internship last summer at a production studio turned into a paid position for this summer
Essays (subject and responses): Wrote about myself and the ways I am a leader in school and among my friends, also how I've narrowed my interests and passions over the years. I thought they were pretty good, I'm a very writing-english minded person.
Teacher Recs: Had recs from math and econ teachers, I thought this was good because even though I want to pursue english and humanities, it shows I work hard in subjects that don't necessarily interest me.
Counselor Rec: I go to a small school, she knows me well.
Applied on (EA?): Just after thanksgiving I think
Hook (if any): Not that I can think of?

State or Country: Tampa, FL
School Type: Private
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
Very surprised and very excited! My top 2 choices were UCLA and USC, I really want to be in LA to do screenwriting. Haven't heard back from USC yet but I'll be at one of the two! Congrats to everyone who got in!

College and Program: College of Letters and Science (Pre-Economics)

  • SAT I (by section): M: 690, CR: 740, W: 720. 2150 Composite
  • SAT IIs: 690 Math2, 650 US History
  • ACT: 32
  • APs: AP Euro, AP Gov, AP Human Geo, AP Macroeconomics, AP Environmental Science
  • IBs: N/A
  • GPA (UW, W): ~3.59 UW, ~3.80 W
  • Rank: Top 10%
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: Varsity Wrestling, participated in a few clubs
  • Job/Work Experience:N/A
  • Essays (subject and responses): I thought they were alright, not amazing though
  • Hook (if any): My location?
  • State or Country: AR
  • School Type: Large public
  • Ethnicity: White
  • Gender: Male
General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:

disappointed, but not really surprised. although my SAT/ACT scores were pretty high, above the 75th percentile of admitted students, my GPA was simply too low to be admitted and my ECs werent very great.

Decision: Rejected 

College and Program: Computer Engineering

  • SAT I (by section): 2190
  • SAT IIs: 800 Math 800 Physics
  • ACT:
  • APs: 5 AP Comp Sci 5 AP Physics
  • IBs:
  • GPA (UW, W):3.55 UW, 4.35 W, 3.95 UC Weighted
  • Rank:
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: Started my own Online, gaming-related business, made 60k USD. 4 years wrestling: 2 years varsity, tutoring, club/freestyle wrestling, programming
  • Job/Work Experience:
  • Essays (subject and responses):
  • Teacher Recs:
  • Counselor Rec:
  • Applied on (EA?):
  • Hook (if any):
  • State or Country:
  • School Type:
  • Ethnicity:
  • Gender:
[b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc: Honestly I think my amazing ECs and test scores would make up for my lowish GPA, guess not.


College and Program: Letters and Science

  • SAT I (by section): 2230 (700 CR, 730M, 800 W)
  • SAT IIs: 740, 740, 720
  • ACT: 31 Did Not Report
  • APs: 5,5,4 fm last year, currently enrolled in 6
  • IBs: N/A
  • GPA (UW, W): 3.93, 4.51
  • Rank: 4/210
  • Other stats:
  • ECs listed on app: Immunology Research at U of Mich, numerous awards and internships associated with that, Peer minister, math and science tutor, varsity and club soccer, soccer coach, science olympiad coach, caricature etc.
  • Job/Work Experience: Paid Math Tutor
  • Essays (subject and responses): I liked my essays, and I think that they were unique and personable. I set up the one involving describing our backgrounds like looking through a photo album and remembering/learning things from the photos. The other was similarly unique and well written.
  • Teacher Recs: Very Very Good
  • Counselor Rec: Very Good
  • Applied on (EA?): 11/29
  • Hook (if any): N/A
  • State or Country: Michigan
  • School Type: Parochial
  • Ethnicity: MIDDLE EASTERN
  • Gender: Male
[b]General Comments/Congratulations/Venting/Commiserations,etc:
It feels good to have a non safety acceptance under my belt. This one feels especially good because admissions were incredibly competitive at UCLA this year. Congratulations to those who got in. Maybe ill meet you someday. Things will always work themselves out if UCLA disappointed those of you who didn't get in. Future applicants: The best way to stand out is to be yourself. Trust me, it worked for me.